Corporate Social Investment
Grandslots contributed to a whopping 22 provincial beneficiaries contributing towards health, education and community development in the Western Cape with contributions totaling over R3.3million during 2015.
- Download our CSI Beneficiary Application and Information Guide for more information.
- Download our CSI brochure

Abalimi Bezekhaya R50 000.00
Helps communities fight poverty by growing food sustainably, using organic methods, at home and in community gardens and, provides support to the farmers in production planning, soil infrastructure, planning harvests, access to seeds and seedlings, vegetable transportation, and financial services to be able to run their micro farms.

Anna Foundation R80 000.00
The organisation aims at assisting disadvantaged children by providing academic, social and environmental support as well as equipping them with skills for lifelong learning. They have 17 afterschool’s in the Boland and Langeberg regions reaching 431 children and employing 37 rural woman.

Atlantic Hope R50 000.00
The organisation provides developmental, physical, emotional and medical care to vulnerable babies in the absence of their parents from birth to one year. The children are sent to the organisation by statutory order from the Court whilst legal proceedings determining the child’s future is conducted by the social workers.

Babuyile Community Development R85 000.00
Focuses on holistic development of previously disadvantaged communities through a unique model that leads to self-sustainability and economic independence of beneficiaries providing them access to healthcare, education, skills development and entrepreneurship support.

Be The Difference R50 000.00
The organisation provides healthy meals to children and includes active educational sessions aimed at empowering the youth. Provides educational support in a form of stationery and school clothing and they also utilise sport as a catalyst for change giving the youth platform to showcase their talents and encourage them to be great leaders

Beautiful Gat R50 000.00
Focuses its educational intervention on assisting at both primary and high school with the aim of preventing dropouts and encouraging the selection of Science and Mathematics and support disadvantaged children with personal growth and skills development.

Breede Valley APD R140 000.00
Is a non-profit organisation that renders therapeutic, social and community development services to all persons with disabilities by assisting them with motor (movement), social behaviour, communication, self-help and cognitive development

Hear Us R108 016.00
Assist and help individuals with profound hearing loss to afford Cochlear Implant as well as ensuring the long term maintenance of the devices working with Tygerberg Hospital.

Childline Western Cape R100 000.00
Assist children that are survivors and those at risk of abuse, sexual assault and rape or any traumatic experience.

Grandmothers Against Poverty and AIDS (GAPA) R121 013.35
GAPA was formed to address the needs of grandmothers who had lost their sons and daughters to an AIDS related illness (prior to the advent of anti-retroviral drugs), many of whom were left to care for their orphaned grandchildren. The organisation also assist with weekly health club, peer counselling, afternoon care and vegetable garden
Bright Start Education Support Programme R120 000.00
The programme contribute to breaking poverty cycles, providing opportunities for children that their grandparents did not have.
Bright Start also provides access to mentorship, tutoring, sport, health practitioners, transport, educational workshop, cultural outings, regular communication with schools and family workshops to ensure every child is reaching their full potential.
Amoyo Performing Arts Foundation R50 000.00
Uplift the communities of Imizamo Yethu and Hangberg, one child at a time, through an after-school and holiday programme offering high-quality dance, drama and performance classes. Each beneficiary transitions from Amoyo as a success-driven, integral and foremost employable young person who has acquired core values, life and communication skills in a genuinely caring and nurturing environment.
Cape Mental Health R100 000.00
Provides community-based services for persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities, providing assessment, counselling and support. They also offer special education care centre for the children, skills training and work opportunities for youth and adults with intellectual disability.
Courage to Care R180 000.00
Operates as a Special Day Care Centre seeks to support twenty learners who suffer from mild to moderate and/or severe intellectual disability. The Centre follows the National Learning Programme for children with SPID; a holistic and integrated approach that is child centred and individualized to each child’s developmental and learning needs.
Durbanville Children's Home R90 000.00
The home assist vulnerable children and orphans by offering them with safe, therapeutic environment and also cater for emotional, pyscho-educational and social needs of all children.
Epilepsy South Africa Southern Cape (Karoo Branch) R140 000.0
Provides integrated services that are equitable, acceptable, sustainable and people-centred with and for people with Epilepsy and other disabilities. Residential care, counselling and skills development, bursaries and learnership programs.
Friends Day Centre R168 000.00
Assist children and young adults with severe mental and physical disabilities.
Friends of Valkenberg Trust R50 000.00
The Friends of Valkenberg Trust is an NPO working in conjunction with hospital staff at Valkenberg Psychiatric Hospital to promote the recovery of people with serious mental illnesses.
Gabriella Centre R50 000.00
It is a residential and day care facility for children and young adults with profound physical and intellectual disabilities, like cerebral palsy, they provide 24 hour care. The home also have individual programmes like physiotherapy and program implementor to ensure each child receives the correct care and intellectual stimulation they require.

R50 000 - Operational Cost
9Miles Project creates sustainable opportunities that engage, equip and empower impoverished and high-risk youth from coastal informal settlement and communities by offering them a combination of surfing, life skills and mentorship to help develop a goal-oriented mindset.

Abalimi Bezekhaya
R50 000 - Shade, Manure, Paint and Poles
Abalimi empower the disadvantaged communities through urban agriculture and environmental programmes and projects. They assist the communities with human necessities for indigent persons by assisting impoverished groups and communities establish and maintain their own vegetable gardens to enable communities to supplement their existing or inadequate supply of food and create livelihoods.

Be the Difference
R50 000 - Empowering Youth
The Foundation aims at being a proactive difference in communities that enables change. They provide development through sport, education and nutrition development.

Beautiful Gate
R50 000 - Academic Support
Focuses its educational intervention on acting at both primary and high school with the aim of preventing dropouts and encouraging the selection of Science and Mathematics and support disadvantaged children with personal growth and skills development.

Breede Valley APD
R100 000 - Operational Cost
TheIs a non-profit organisation that renders therapeutic, social and community development services to all persons with disabilities.

Cape Educational Trust
R75 000 - Refurbish the new digital training centre
Assist vulnerable young children with comprehensive support that facilitates access to an integrated package of services that are critical for optimal growth, health and advancement in life.
Cape Mental Health
R100 000 - Educational Services
Provides community-based services for persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities, providing assessment, counselling and support. They also offer special education care centre for the children, skills training and work opportunities for youth and adults with intellectual disability.
Childline Western Cape
R200 000 - Therapeutic Support
Assist children that are survivors and those at risk of abuse, sexual assault and rape or any traumatic experience.

Children A Loud
R50 000 - School Holiday Camps
Support youth at risk within deprived communities with the aim of enabling young people to bring about change with their lives through daily positive re-enforcement and building resilience.

Holly Cross Sisters
R50 000 - Operational Costs
Assist vulnerable women and children in crisis as part of their missionary work in Atlantis. The women and their children receive temporary protection and support to escape violence from their partners.
Douglas Murray Home for the Aged
R65 000 - Cost of orphaned residence
Provides essential care for elderly and frail residents on 24/7 basis.
Elim House
R110 000 - Food
Elim House is a special care facility dedicated to providing optimal care for children and young adults with severe Autism.

Hospice Palliative Care Association of South Africa
R100 000 – Training Program
Promote and develop a hospice or palliative care services for the persons living with a life-threatening illness.

Ikamva Lisezandleni Zethu
R50 000 - Supporting Learners
Provides a safe space for learners to be after classes, they receive help with their homework and a host of their service and support to ensure they succeed.

Inspire Children
R50 000 - Computers
Create safe space for poor farm worker children, youth and woman who live in farms and help HIV positive and TB farm workers by providing food, transport and salaries.

Kensington Meals on Wheels
R50 000 - Kitchen Equipment
Provides nutritious meals to various vulnerable groups such as the homeless, elderly, people living with disabilities and destitute households.

Little Angels Home
R100 000 - Salary for Additional Staff
Is a home for children with special needs, it is dedicated to empowering and encouraging Little Angels to develop to their full potential by improving their physical and mental performance, making sure they receive the correct and proper medication and treatment, special care that their parents often cannot afford to provide.

Masigcine Children Home
R30 000 - Food
Provide a home for children between 1month and 6 years who are either committed in terms of the Child Care Act or voluntarily placed in the home, serve and support parents with difficult social and economic circumstances who want the necessary care for their children.

R100 000 – Aftercare Program
Assist orphans and vulnerable children living in township that are deprived most from basic needs.

St Anne Homes
R275 000 – Single Cab Bakkie
Assist and provide accommodation woman and children who are survivals of abuse.
James House
R50 000 - Youth Development Project
Aims to uplift the community by providing the psychological support to the children and families who suffers from the severe traumas of substance abuse, unemployment and neglect.
R50 000 – Youth Program
The organisation use sport as means of promoting community development within marginalized communities.
Salesian Institute Youth Project
R100 000 – Life and Maritime Skills Training
Salesian Institute Youth Projects works in youth education and skills development, changing the lives of vulnerable children and youth-at-risk in and around Cape Town. They offer support, life skills, and vocational training.
SAME Foundation
R100 000 - Oxygen Respiratory Aid
Assist all citizens who cannot afford quality healthcare in South Africa living in underprivileged areas and also assisting most hospitals with the vital medical equipment needed.
Sisters Incorporated
R50 000 - Operational Cost
Sisters Incorporated is a home for abused women and their children, rape survivors and pregnant women considering putting their babies up for adoption. Their aim is to help the women in our care to heal therapeutically from what they have experienced, assist them to equip themselves to enter the job market and take up the threads of their lives when it is time for them to re-enter the community.
Siyazana Youth Development Fund
R50 000 - Operational Costs
Aiming to improve the lives of previously disadvantaged children and youth.
South African Education Project (SAEP)
R136 500 – Tertiary Support Program
Assist learners from primary school level through high school, post matric and into tertiary. ECD beneficiaries are principals of creches and day cares and indirectly children enrolled in the facilities.
St Luke
R72 370 - Operational Costs
The hospice assists patients and their families who are facing life threatening illnesses.

The Umtshayelo Trust
R50 000 – Operational Costs
Provide skills development program to empower young and unemployed women.

Turfhall Cheshire Home
R150 000 - Medicine, Food and Operational Costs
Provides 24 hour specialised and residential care to disabled adults from previously disadvantaged communities.
Tygerberg Hospital Children’s Trust
R75 000 - Medical Care
Support mother and child that require medical health.
New Beginnings
R50 000 - Baby Care Needs
Their main focus is to assist Orphans and Vulnerable Children form 0 - 18 years from seriously disadvantaged communities. They look after, care for and protect abandoned, abused, neglected special needs children.

Eiland Huis
R50 000 - Vehicle Maintenance
The house cares and train intellectually challenged children and adolescents.

Ubuntu 4 All
R50 000 - Food Parcels
Provides educational and social support to vulnerable children, youth and their families.
Western Cape Fire Fighters
R65 000 - Purchasing of wrecks

Beautiful Gate Ministry
Contributed R200 000.
Assists disadvantaged children, creates a safe environment and empowers families and communities to take care of their children through the development and provision of Christ-centred training, education and discipline.

Breede Valley Association for person with disabilities
Contributed R200 000.
The centre assists with providing educational development, physical development, training, stimulation and care for 21 children with disabilities in a community long deprived of these resources.

Child Welfare SA Helderberg
Contributed R100 000.
The Organisations main focus is the protection of children, but also include raising awareness of how children can keep themselves safe and how communities need to be caring for and protecting other children.

Children A'Loud
Contributed R150 000.
Assists disadvantaged students from primary or secondary schools in Ocean View keeping them busy and off the streets.

Die Eiland Huis
Contributed R150 000.
The house cares for and trains intellectually challenged children and adolescents.

Durbanville Children's Home
Contributed R100 000.
The home assists vulnerable children and orphans by offering them a safe, therapeutic environment and also cater for emotional, Psychoeducation and social needs of all children.

Elim House
Contributed R70 500.
Assists children and adults with physical disabilities by upgrading their living atmosphere, ensures they have transport to take them to their medical appointments as well as emergency care.

Elkana Childcare
Contributed R150 000.
Elkana provides temporary safe care and protection to 40 children per annum from broken homes, traumatised children in urgent need of care and protection. They also provide an afterschool care programme where children from the community are provided with food and facilities to do homework.

Els Autism
Contributed R25 520.
Aims to provide families across the globe with the best practice interventions and support, empowers parents and caregivers by teaching them how to teach their children. Each session is designed to promote parents independence using online tools.

Epilepsy SA Educational Trust
Contributed R100 000.
Advocacy and human rights development and is initiated via training programmes at the individual trainer level. They also offer social development services such as counselling, health and welfare, services, child and youth development and life skills training.

Friends Day Centre
Contributed R100 000.
Assists children and young adults with severe mental and physical disabilities.

Gabriela Centre
Contributed R100 000.
It is a facility for children and young adults with profound physical and intellectual disabilities, such as cerebral palsy. The centre provides 24-hour care in a home from the home environment along with unlimited patience and unconditional love.

Girls and Boys Town
Contributed R100 000.
Creates opportunities for youth to shine, grown and develop into responsible citizen and be able to contribute to family and community life in the spirit of peace, dignity, equality and solidarity with others.

Ikamva Labantu Charitable Trust
Contributed R100 000.
Ikamva Labantu is a pioneer in supporting community preschools, compassionate women created community preschools, offering children safe spaces in their homes while their parents worked.

Ikamva Lisezandleni Zethu
Contributed R100 000.
Ikamva Youth gives access to quality tutorials and career guidance. They provide after-school support for grade 8-12 learners in order to improve their academic outcome. Their model uses peer-based support, group tuition, grade 12 mentoring. They also provide access to computers and ed-tech products.

Inspire Children and Youth Trust
Contributed R10 000.
Inspire rural people to achieve and create safe spaces for children and young people who thrive. They provide food, shelter and a wide range of activities/ project to help restore human dignity on rural farms.

James House
Contributed R195 225.
James House aims to uplift the community by providing psychological support to the children and families who suffer from severe traumas of substance abuse, unemployment and neglect.

Jelly Beanz
Contributed R100 000.
The Organisations assist children from underprivileged communities that have experienced trauma, abuse and neglect including their caregivers and professionals that work with children.
Educate 2 Empower
Contributed R100 000.
The organisation is dedicated to serving people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) offering programs and resources to support individuals, educating and serving children and adults with autism to help them achieve their highest level of independence in their homes and community.
Karin Kortje Foundation
Contributed R50 000.
Empowers young people who want to carve a career in the arts especially in the music industry.

Khayelitsha Hospital
Contributed R220 000.
Khayelitsha District Hospital is in an area predominantly Xhosa speaking with a high unemployment rate. The patients receive free healthcare services to the majority of the patients.

Nine Miles Projects
Contributed R100 000.
The organisation works with youth in coastal informal settlements and provides mentorship to at-risk youth in the areas of Cape Town, Elands Bay and St Francis Bay. The children attend literacy and empowerment programmes 6 days a week in Cape Town and received meals and snacks.

Nomonde 2 Educare Centre
Contributed R53 000.
The centre cares for children around Khayelitsha, most of the parents are unemployed and some depend on social grants.

NorSA Community Care
Contributed R250 000.
Assists orphans and vulnerable children living in the township that are deprived of most of their basic needs. Norsa assist these children with cooked meals, health care programme, daycare centres and youth development.

Contributed R260 000.
Assists vulnerable young women ageing out of Children's Homes who are less likely to have high school diploma, assist them to pursue higher education or to earn a living wage.

Play Sport for Life
Contributed R50 000.
Their mission is to improve the lives and well beings of disadvantaged communities by providing athletic opportunities and using sports as a vehicle for a healthier lifestyle.
Contributed R200 000.
NOAH enables social pensioners to remain active, independent and purposeful in their homes and communities for as long as possible through the provision of communal housing, primary health care, social support and social enterprise development.
Salesian Institute Youth Project
Contributed R100 000.
Salesian Institute Youth Projects works in youth education and skills development, changing the lives of vulnerable children and youth-at-risk in and around Cape Town. They offer support, life skills, and vocational training.
Sisters Incorporated
Contributed R150 000.
Sisters Incorporated is a home for abused women and their children, rape survivors and pregnant women considering putting their babies up for adoption. They aim to help the women in our care to heal therapeutically from what they have experienced, assist them to equip themselves to enter the job market and take up the threads of their lives when it is time for them to re-enter the community.
Siyazana Youth Development Fund
Contributed: R119 000.
Aiming to improve the lives of previously disadvantaged children and youth.
South African Education and Sustainability (SAYEs)
Contributed R200 000.
They work with vulnerable and neglected youth populations in transition from Child and Youth Care Centres (children's homes) and high schools, matching them with volunteer mentors to deliver targeted interventions known to create differences we can measure.
St Helena Sandveld Hospice
Contributed R135 000.
Assist terminally ill and their families living in the hospice.

South African Education Project (SAEP)
Contributed R130 000.
Assist learners from primary school level through high school, post-matric and into tertiary. ECD beneficiaries are principals of creches and daycares and indirectly children enrolled in the facilities.

St Joseph’s Home
Contributed R120 000.
St Josephs provide educational services to chronically ill learners with a vast spectrum of special needs, including children with autism, cerebral palsy, down syndrome as well as medical conditions.

Steps Charity
Contributed R200 000.
Assists babies with birth defects such as clubfoot up to 5 years.

The Umtshayelo Foundation
Contributed R135 000.
Provide skills development program to empower young and unemployed women.

The Women's Hope, Education and Training Trust
Contributed R185 000.
The trust was founded to support women-led organisation through promoting a culture of giving where women enjoy their human rights and have access to education, training and sustainable income.

Tygerberg Children's Hospital Trust
Contributed R100 000.
Assists and support mother and child patients with child and family centre, research and development, leadership and educational training.

Ubuntu 4 All
Contributed R70 000.
Provides educational and social support to vulnerable children, youth and families.

Usapho Foundation
Contributed R100 000.
Assists families who need empowerment through workshops, counselling and community engagements.

Western Cape Cerebral Palsy Association
Contributed R132 000.
The WCCPA provides social development services for people with Cerebral Palsy and their families. They incorporate a clinic for the diagnosis and treatment of children, who are servery and profoundly disabled, a protective employment workshop for adults and an occupational therapy day programme for adults. The Cerebral Palsy clinic provides holistic, compassionate family-based services where children are encouraged to reach their full potential.
The Pebbles Project Trust
Contributed R97 800.
Assist children and families living in rural farming areas ensures that they have access to a high standard of education, health, social and recreational services- focusing on the less accessible regions.
More Projects
Western Cape Fire Fighters Association R 50 000
Xstitch NPO R 90 000
Peace Haven Senior Citizen Services Centre R 90 000
Indigenous Pride Africa R 50 000
Carly Jordan Foundation R50 000

Angels Resource Centre
Contributed R125 000.
The centre is established for the public benefit and with the aim to do business skills training and create resource centres and to empower rural and micro-entrepreneurs through business skills training and provide ongoing support.

Atlantic Hope
Contributed R120 000.
Their mission is to provide emergency shelter for babies who have been abandoned, removed from their guardian for various reasons and waiting for fostering and/or adoption.

Beautiful Gate
Contributed R150 000.
Assist disadvantaged children, create a safe environment and empower families and communities to take care of their children through the development and provision of Christ-centred training, education and discipline.

Camissa Solutions
Contributed R300 000.
Camissa Experiences is an event design and event operating business. The core business is the design and implementation of events. These events capitalize on the tourism attributes and other unique selling propositions that host (rural) communities offer to tourists.

Carel Du Toit Trust
Contributed R180 000.
Assist hearing impaired children between 4 - 10 years and their parents from low or non-income households by teaching deaf children to hear, speak, acquire knowledge and language and also assist children to thrive in hearing society.

Character Company
Contributed R100 000.
The primary goal of the company is to mentor young boys growing with absent fathers to become good men, they groom some of them to become "big brothers" and achieve long term goal, mentoring and relationship building, instill specific values (kindness, courage, self-discipline, honesty and respect).

Childline Western Cape
Contributed R105 000.
Assist children who have been or are at risk of being abused, sexually assaulted and/ or raped, trauma, bereavement, their parents/caregivers/guardians and other professionals who work with children.

Durbanville Children's Home
Contributed R100 000.
The home assists vulnerable children and orphans by offering them with a safe, therapeutic environment and also cater for emotional, psychoeducational and social needs of all children.

Educo Africa
Contributed R110 000.
Educo Africa is a non-profit youth development organization working within South Africa. Their vision is that of young people understanding their roles as powerful agents of change actively, confidently and positively contributing towards a better global community.

Elim Home
Contributed R 75 000.
Assist 50 children and adults with mental and physical disabilities with 3 meals a day, clinic visits, dental care and Pep Tube replacements.

Contributed R114 000.
After school care facility focusing on academic and other stimulating programmes, also addresses holistic child development to vulnerable and traumatised children in urgent need of care and protection.

Friends Day Centre
Contributed R230 000.
Special care, activity and therapy centre for children and adults with severe to profound intellectual and physical disabilities. Caters for 120 learners age 2 to 44.

Ikamva Lisezandleni Zethu
Contributed R200 000.
Ikamva Youth gives access to quality tutorials and career guidance. They provide after-school support for grade 8-12 learners in order to improve their academic outcome. Their model uses peer-based support, group tuition, grad 12 mentoring. They also provide access to computers and ed-tech products.

Inclusive Education South Africa (IESA)
Contributed R260 000.
To improve education outcomes focusing solely on improving curriculum content knowledge of teachers, particularly Mathematics, Science and Literacy. This will be provided to educators at Windmeul and Van Wykslei Primary School.

Helderberg Hospice
Contributed R30 000.
The hospice provides skilled and compassionate care to all persons living in Helderberg Community who are facing a life-threatening illness.

James House
Contributed R150 000.
Provides therapeutic care and counselling to abused, abandoned or neglected children between the ages of 7 and 18.

Karin Kortje Foundation
Assist young people who want to carve a career in arts, especially in the music industry to preserve South African Arts Heritage.

Learn to Earn
Contributed R200 000.
Learn to earn assist unemployed youth by giving them training, life skills and work readiness training.

Nederburg Primary
Contributed R200 000.
The school is a no-school fee school, request assistance with computers that will make the teaching of language and maths easier and will lead to improved results in these subjects using an integrated ICT approach.

Nomonde 2 Educare Centre
Contributed R30 000.
The centre cares for children around Khayelitsha, most of the parents are unemployed and some depend on social grants.

QuadPara Association
Contributed R70 000.
QASA’s function is to serve quadriplegics, paraplegics and the disability sector in general in whatever capacity our members find most constructive. The organisation aims to assist people with mobility impairments to lead independent lives with a decent standard of living, in areas ranging from personal care and assistive devices to adequate skills development and employment.

South African Youth Education for Sustainability
Contributed R100 000.
SAYes work with vulnerable and neglected youth in transition from child and youth care centres matching them with volunteer mentors to deliver targeted interventions known to create a difference. The assistance will cover the costs for recruiting, screening and supporting volunteer mentors and mentees for a year.
Siyazana Youth Development Fund
Contributed R99 000.
Aiming to improve the lives of previously disadvantaged children and youth.
Christian Feeding Centre
Contributed R100 000.
The centre assist children and youth with basic nutrition.
Camphill Farm Community
Contributed R150 000.
They provide residential care and support to adults with an intellectual and physical disability.
Beaconvale Community Frail
Contributed R100 000.
The centre provides frail care residents with the finest possible physical, emotional and psychosocial care as well as comprehensive services.
Die Eiland Huis
Contributed R75 000.
The house cares and trains intellectually challenged children and adolescents.
Prosthetics' Assist
Contributed R50 000.
The organisation assists people with disabilities to acquire the necessary prosthesis.
O.W.L. Haven Shelter
Contributed R100 000.
Assist dysfunctional adults and homeless persons with multi-problem personalities to become functional again in society, restore their human dignity by way of comprehensive social work services and developmental rehabilitation programmes, which include skills training projects and life skills programmes.
Cape Mental Health
Contributed: R100 000.
Assist youth and adults with intellectual disability with skills training and employment creation programme at four training workshops.
Sisters Incorporated
Contributed R180 000.
Sisters Incorporated aims to help every woman, teenager and child in crisis heal physically, emotionally and spiritually. They also offer help, hope and a home that provides shelter and a safe haven for abused women and their children. They also offer counselling, skills training and help with children.
Rape Crisis Helderberg
Contributed R200 000.
Rape Crisis is committed to helping victims of rape and abuse overcome their trauma through caring counselling. Their main purpose is to put back the pieces of lives shattered through sexual violence.

Cape Mental Health
Contributed R220 000
Training Workshops Unlimited
Cape Mental Health provides or facilitates comprehensive, proactive and enabling mental health care services in the Western Cape. They are committed to challenging socially restrictive and discriminatory practices affecting the mental health of all people.

Owl Haven
Contributed R250 000
Renovations in order to be able to accommodate more people
"The OWL Haven Shelter had received a major make over!!! A paint project was held on 22nd December 2018. It proved to be a fun and exciting experience for all involved. Thank you to the Youth of the Sathya Sai Organization, staff, residents of the shelter for making it possible! If you as a community know of anyone who could assist with sponsoring a new signage do let us know!!! We at the OWL Haven Shelter wish you 'A Blessed and Merry Christmas' God riches blessings be upon you." - O.W.L Haven Shelter

Durbanville Children's Home
Towards a bridging programme for young adults leaving their care
Durbanville Children’s Home, a haven for 144 vulnerable children, is one of the oldest children’s homes in South Africa, dating back to 1883. The home has the experience and ability to develop, implement, evaluate and sustain innovative programmes that are based on the unique needs of our children.
The Durbanville Children’s Home fills the gap in service-provision for vulnerable children by using dedicated, professional services to support children in need of care and their families, with the aim of restoring them to a healthy family relationship.

Educo Trust of Africa
Contributed R111 200
Training and engaging 36 young people from rural communities
Educo Africa is a non-profit youth development organization working within South Africa. Our vision is that of young people understanding their roles as powerful agents of change actively, confidently and positively contributing towards a better global community. Founded in 1994 Educo Africa celebrates 22 years of delivering experiential learning programmes to young people.
Our core methodology is experiential learning, with two phases. The first, a deeply transformational process takes place in the Wilderness Mountains areas of our country, the second is a youth network supporting young people in leading change in economic participation, social wellness and environmental sustainability.

Atlantic Hope
Contributed R16 000
Running costs
Atlantic Hope aims to provide safe, temporary and emergency care for vulnerable babies below the age of 1 year. These babies have been abandoned, removed from biological parents because of drug related reasons, neglected and/or abused and require care until such time as alternative permanent care has been sought and arranged.
They provide basic developmental, physical and mental care. Medical needs are prioritised, and babies are fed, kept warm, and given affection in a stable environment.
Atlantic Hope is legally approved to house up to six babies at one time, for short stays. They look to accommodate more babies for longer stays, providing care whilst legal decisions and proceedings determining the child’s future are conducted. This vision would require larger premises as currently we operate out of the founder’s home.

Wheelchair Tennis South Africa
Contributed R200 000
Training sessions and tournaments
From mid 2018 Wheelchair Tennis SA was fortunate enough to have confirmed Grand Slots as a sponsor for our Wheelchair Tennis community programmes in the Western Cape.The sponsorship covers community coaching clinics, monitoring the centre, access to national events and some consumables.As a result of the sponsorship Wheelchair Tennis in the Western Cape is getting a boost, existing centres are continuing their coaching while new centres have also been opened.
While visiting Cape Town Archie introduced coach Dlanga to Astra School where they met the principle as well as ran a fun introductory programme for the learners at Astra School. The introduc-tory session catered for 10 learners and was 2 hours long. The school however indicated that they had around 20 learners who would be interested in joining the programme from January.
8 chairs were delivered to Cape Town for the Delft and Astra Centres, and 10 chairs were checked and repaired in Khayalitscha. Of the 10, 9 were motivation chairs and 1 was Gwija’s white chair.

South African Education and Environment Project
Contributed R90 000
The funding of promise 90 students
South African Education Project (SAEP), also formerly known as the South African Education and Environment Project, prepares children and youth at key stages of their development, through education, life skills and psycho-social support.
Reaching more than 2500 youth, children and education providers each year, we offer several education support programmes, all of which have developed in response to specific needs expressed by learners, teachers or principals from the disadvantaged community of Philippi, Cape Town.
Our work increases access to quality Early Childhood Education and care, prepares young people to reach and succeed in university and the workplace and provides opportunities for high school learners personal development, including arts education, computer training, hikes and excursions, mentoring and psycho- social support.
Early Childhood Development (ECD) programme assists under-developed and nascent crèches develop into self-sustainable quality ECD centres.
Bridging Year (BY) prepares students from under-performing schools to manage the demands of tertiary education and successfully complete their courses. Tertiary Support (TS) Programme supports tertiary students from impoverished areas who are at risk of not being able to complete their studies.
Hope Scholars Programme provides intensive academic tutoring and personal development sessions to motivated grade 8 and 9 high school learners.

Learn to Earn
Contributed R250 000
Funding of 22 students for work in the hospitality industry in the Hermanus area
Learn to Earn is a skills development and job creation organisation seeking to develop people, especially unemployed people, socially, economically, emotionally and spiritually.
Our skills development and training centres are based in vibrant Khayelitsha and the seaside town of Hermanus. Here, we endeavour to eradicate unemployment and other legacies of injustice in South Africa. Since 1989 we have trained more than 13 583 unemployed people with market-related skills.
We have seen over 83% of our graduates become economically active, with up to 20% starting their own businesses. Our students have the option of receiving tuition in Bake for Profit, Basic Cashier Skills, Basic Handyman Skills, Basic Hospitality Skills, Basic Office Skills, Call Centre, Graphic Design Bridging Course, Home Management, Sewing, Sewing Production Line, Woodwork, as well as Basic Computers and an 8-week long Business Skills course. Our newest training initiative is the Ground UP Academy whose aim is to train and equip unemployed people in becoming entry level Baristas. All of our courses also include a life skills aspect.
The Western Cape Cerebral Palsy Association
Contributed R132 000
The therapeutic intervention for children at De Heide Special Care Centre
De Heide Special Care Centre is a WCCPA project that responds to the needs of the most vulnerable groups in our society by engaging in significant programmes to address the discrimination suffered by children with profound disabilities.
Quadpara Association of the Western Cape (QAWC)
Contributed R87 069
The continuation of the QAWC accessible transport project
QAWC was started in 1981 by a group of wheelchair users who were frustrated by the lack of opportunities for people with disabilities. This group of motivated individuals started to explore and implement projects and programmes aimed at improving the lives and circumstances of people with mobility impairments.
Iris House Children's Hospice
Contributed R218 900
Building costs
Iris House Children's Hospice provides free quality respite care, support for the family and training for carers and parents. They also provide a very active social calendar for parents and siblings, giving families time to come together, make new friends and share experiences.
Rape Crisis Helderberg
Contributed R205 350
Payment of one quarter running cost
Rape Crisis is a registered non-profit organisation committed to helping victims of rape and abuse overcome their trauma through caring counselling amongst all the people in the Helderberg Basin and surroundings. Their main purpose is to put back the pieces of lives shattered through sexual violence.
Inclusive Education South Africa (IESA)
Contributed R201 564
Support programme at Langabuya Primary School and Mbekweni Full-Service School Paarl
Inclusive Education South Africa's mission is to ensure that learners experiencing barriers to learning and their families, educators and service-providers, have access to information and are introduced to support networks and services that can facilitate inclusion into regular neighbourhood schools. Their primary commitment is to serve those living in all provinces of South Africa, although they will share their knowledge and information beyond these boundaries as the resouces become available.
Karin Kortje Foundation
Contributed R142 800
Payment of Direct Cost for Overberg Project: Venue Hire, Subsistence and Transport
Karin Kortje Foundation believes that it will be the vehicle “to facilitate social inclusion, transcending past injustices and to promote economic progression.” Overbergs Got Talent, Diva & Maestro and Night with Stars are projects designed in such a way that it nurtures talents, empowers young people through REAL development of their passion and creates BIG stages where professional artists to guide, appear and perform with young people: THIS is what DREAMs are made of… this gives hope and inspires the desires to succeed and persevere.
Langa Cheshire Home
Contributed R198 000
Provision of 6 months shortfall of running cost
Langa Cheshire Home was established to provide residential accommodation in a nurturing environment as well as attending to the wellbeing of residents, both male and female, with severe permanent disabilities.
Epilepsy South African Educational Trust
Contributed R200 000
Funding of bursaries to students with epilepsy for tertiary education
The Epilepsy South Africa Educational Trust was established in December 1998. The Trust exists solely to provide financial support for tertiary education to promising and talented students with epilepsy. Although only able to provide part-time bursaries, the Trust's support to students has been making a life-changing difference for nearly two decades.
Sisters Incorporated
Contributed R300 000
Operational costs
Sisters Incorporated has been involved for approximately 58 years in rendering services to single ladies wanting to give babies up for adoption. In addition, for ± 30 years, we have been assisting rape survivors and victims’ (and their children) of domestic violence and abuse. These services rendered includes ladies coming from other provinces when it comes to light that they are in danger.
Solomon Haven
Contributed R276 000
Funds to be used towards purchase of a vehicle
Solomons Haven is caring for physically, mentally and sexually abused children, placed in our care by the Department of Social Development by means of a Court Order or Emergency Placement Order. Currently they provide permanent shelter to 22 children: 15 girls and 7 boys and some of them are being tested HIV+. Their ages range from as young as 2 years of age.
St Joseph's Home
Contributed R77 836
Shortfall for 2 beds
St Joseph’s Home for Chronically Ill Children (SJH) provides vital intermediate care between Hospital and home for vulnerable and disadvantaged children with life-threatening and life-limiting illnesses. Established in Cape Town by the Pallottine Missionary Sisters in 1935, SJH has developed a unique model of curative, palliative and rehabilitative care for the children from poor communities who are referred by state hospitals to complete their healing process.
Turfhall Cheshire Home
Contributed R200 000
Upliftment and repair of the building
This organisation aims to work in partnership with people with disabilities to provide residential accommodation and other community services that promote independent living and the attainment of personal aspirations. Also, to initiate projects that address social and economic inequalities, thereby alleviating poverty and facilitating the social integration of people with disabilities into mainstream society.
False Bay Hospital Association
Contributed R93 800
To supply and install sterilizer and filter system
False Bay Hospital Association was established as a body corporate with an identity and existence distinct from its members or office-bearers. The Association's objectives are 1) to do anything conductive to the comfort and welfare of patients and their dependents which is necessary to supplement what is done for them by the hospital, and 2) to assist in the provision of amenities for the staff where this may be desirable in the interests of patients.
Steps Charity NPC
Contributed R200 000
To support partner clubfoot clinics
Steps Charity NPC is a registered non-profit organisation established in 2005. Their core purpose is to improve the lives of children born with clubfoot. Steps is based in Cape Town and operates nationally. They are the only organisation working in this space in South Africa. Their outcomes based model focuses on revolutionising clubfoot treatment, building capacity for excellent care, and maximising impact.
The Camissa Arts And Culture Organisation
Contributed R145 000
Payment of Sound and Technical Training, Skills Training and Job Creation
Camissa Solutions CC was established in 2009. This, Level 1 BBBEE business, with a 135% contribution, is a model of successful social entrepreneurship. It has recorded consistent success in all its projects.
Projects are in various stages of development. All projects have a developmental focus for youth in particular. Developmental activity takes place in targeted communities alongside the commercial activity. All projects are financed by profits accruing from the Camissa Solutions CC, core business.
St Giles
Contributed R72 000
Provision for 3 Carers
St. Giles Association was established in September 1953 with the sole intention of assisting the disabled individual in accepting their disability to enable them to live full happy lives in a world of able-bodied persons. The purpose of each sector of the Association is to provide fellowship and personal growth. All of their social evenings, workshops and events play a very important role in the lives of disabled people, as this encourages them to communicate with their peers and teaches them the necessary skills to eventually find their place in society.
Usapho Foundation
Contributed R257 800
Provision for 1 x Teen Parenting intervention and 2 x Fatherhood Program intervention
Usapho Foundation was established in order to empower families through specific preventative and developmental programs.Families today face many challenges and circumstances that negatively impact on their functioning and the communitiesin which they live. Usapho Foundation have a responsibility to address these factors and make a constructive contribution towards uplifting the youth, children and families.
Positive Parenting (15-30 participants per program): parents and caregivers are recruited within the community to attend the 8 sessions (8 week) program. Of the attendees are unemployed or between jobs and our program assists with not only parenting skills but also empowerment and strengthening self-esteem.
Teen Parenting (15-20 participants per program): the program entails workshops where learners who are pregnant or are already parents are equipped with positive parenting and life skills.
Fatherhood program (10-15 participants per program): this program is aligned with the Positive Parenting program but specifically addresses the influential role of fathers and father figures within communities.
Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (young school going children): this program is part of our preventative work where they focus on school going learners in both Primary and High Schools. This program assists learners to handle complex feelings and make them aware of the risk of sexual engagement(s) in their relationships, Sex and Sexuality and Emotional readiness of teenagers for sexual relationships.